How to Repair a Damaged Skin Barrier? Quick Tips in 1 Minute!
Have you ever heard of the skin barrier? It's the natural protective layer of our skin, consisting of microbial films, sebum membranes, and the stratum corneum. Its main function is to retain moisture, prevent nutrient and skin moisture loss, and shield against external irritants. However, when the skin barrier is damaged, our skin can become dry, sensitive, and even develop problems. So, how can you repair a damaged skin barrier? Let's find out in just 1 minute!
Common Signs of a Damaged Skin Barrier
- Dry Type: Skin feels rough and uneven, with mild tingling, itching, redness, and inflammation.
- Oily Type: Skin often develops small grains or pimples, with redness, inflammation, and flaking in dry areas like cheeks.
- Stress Type: Changes in seasons, premenstrual periods, over-care, and emotional excitement can lead to sensitive skin with localized redness, itching, and clear boundaries.
- Sensitive Type: Skin remains in a sensitive, inflammatory stage for a prolonged period, leading to intolerance and premature aging.
Causes of a Damaged Skin Barrier
A damaged skin barrier can result from both internal and external factors:
Internal Factors:
- Genetic predisposition: Weak natural sebum gland function and thin stratum corneum.
- Aging: Decline in various bodily functions.
- Unhealthy lifestyle habits: Decreased skin self-repair capabilities.
External Factors:
- Over-cleansing: Frequent use of soap-based cleansers and exfoliators damages the barrier structure, reducing skin immunity.
- Incorrect skincare: Use of irregular skincare products or prolonged incorrect care methods can lead to skin intolerance and damage.
- Over-hydration: Daily use of face masks can cause excessive hydration, thinning the barrier.
- Improper repair after medical beauty treatments: Some treatments often destroy and rebuild the skin structure, and inadequate repair can damage normal skin structure.
Strategies to Repair a Damaged Skin Barrier
Repair Direction for Dry and Sensitive Skin: Focus on thickening the stratum corneum, using products containing ingredients like ceramides, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and panthenol for repair.
Repair Direction for Oily and Sensitive Skin: Focus on moisturizing to create a moist environment for skin repair. Use products containing ingredients like retinol, chamomile, squalane, and panthenol for repair.
Repairing a damaged skin barrier is not difficult, but it requires choosing suitable skincare products and correct care methods. Choose products that suit your skin type and issues, and stick to a scientific skincare routine to restore your skin barrier to health!